Variable Storage and Manipulation

Newt is 68 years old, while Barack is 50. They are 18 years apart.

My slogan is "Vote for me."

Newt and Barack have a combined age of 118, so their average age is 59.

You should totally go visit Watkins College.

More Variable Manipulation

Newt, your username is NewtGingrich. Barack, your username is BarackObama.

Their full names are Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama.

If you're in Nashville, call 383-4848. Otherwise, call (615) 383-4848.

Array Review

In Web 3 we will study Dynamic Sites. All 11 of you should meet in Room 205.

In Web 3 we will study Dynamic Sites: PHP, Wordpress, and a host of other things. All 30011 of you should meet in Room two-hundred and five.

The subject of Web 3 is Dynamic Sites: PHP, Wordpress, and a host of other things

The room of Web 3 is two-hundred and five

The studentcount of Web 3 is 30011

The first course you should take is Web 1: Static Pages with HTML and CSS

I love Web 1: Static Pages with HTML and CSS!

I love Web 2: User Interface Design and Development!

I love Web 3: PHP and Dynamic Sites!

On Jan 5 I wrote my second blog post. It was called Designing and reads as follows:
I love fonts.

Here is post with index 0:

Here is post with index 1:

Here is post with index 2:

Here is post with index 3: